Exh prez cdndistes 1 w.ip

I'd worry more about Joe Biden's health if I was the DNC than other things

My views on RFK Jr pretty much align with Jacobin's views on him expressed here

Note, I don't consider what RFK Jr said to the NYPost off the record about bio weapons to be antisemitic , Sinophobic or xenophobic.  I do feel his comments are however super insensitive to Jewish people and Asian people and ignorant in regards to how some hardy right wing 4chan like trolls can use the nonsense he spewed about bioweapons to the NYPost reporter to further spread their hate of marginalized groups.

But I do feel the Forward magazine as a Jewish magazine were wrong to merely label RFK Jr's comments 'flirting with antisemitism' instead of giving what he said a harsher label because what RFK Jr said was worse than floating with antisemitism as I mentioned above (but not antisemitic itself).  Jessica Tarlov in her debate with Jesse Watters on this very thing reflects this view of mine

So in my opinion, the Forward didn't go far enough to going after RFK Jr which makes me mad because the Forward is going to cause more antisemitism by them not going hard after RFK Jr and that will cause the Forward to become totalitarian about stopping antisemitism when antisemitism increases due to Forward not fighting harder to stop it

RFK Jr is a crackpot, and yes he is Donald Trump 2.0 (see here, here). It is obvious, he is going after Joe Biden for the Dem party nom and he is acting nuts and being heredox to the Democrat platform. He is funded by right wingers and is touted by the forces you would expect him to be touted by including FauKKK News, National Socialist Steven Bannon , Cucker Tarlson and other GOP loons.

Remember Donald Trump had a 'liberal' and progressive adjacent, pro Democrat history in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s (he attacked Pat Buchanan for being 'right of Akilla the Hun' in 2000)

before he moved further and further righward (Barack Obama birthplace nonsense anyone?) to become a right wing populist pushing for the GOP to move in an alt right direction by 2015, same thing is happening with RFK Jr.

You would have to be stuck in 2009 to think that RFK Jr is a Democrat, he sounds like he is running for the Republican party nomination. The vaccine skep on his part is a hippie position too but last time I checked, hippies haven't been in the Democrat/Liberal Big Tent since the 1960s/early 1970s

I agree with these related things below:

https://archive.ph/LzsoU (Skeptics subreddit thread)


The Daily Beast:

But there’s also plenty of debunked vaccine pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, deliberate omissions, and selective inclusions that muddy the informational waters. source: 


In one instance, referencing a small-sample 2014 Mayo Clinic study that found Somali immigrants, Somali Americans, and other Black Americans (basically, folks of direct and diasporic African descent) had more vigorous antibody responses to the rubella vaccine than white study participants. After citing the study, physician Charles Penick, a noted vaccine skeptic, states that Black children “need probably about half the dose that kids are given,” lest they risk vaccine overdose.  source:


To the people saying RFK, Jr. was innocently bringing up facts in a scientific paper about how the virus affects the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews, then why did he mention that the virus might have been genetically modified? That clearly implies that someone modified it to avoid those ethnicities. Your defense of this is completely disingenuous. And he doesn't know anti-semitic tropes about how they secretly control the world and this would feed into that? Come on, stop lying to yourselves. You know that's what he's implying and it's sick.

Yes RFK Jr has fought his whole life fighting for Democracy and Constitutional liberties but recently what he sees as liberty other people see as vulgar anti statism

Anyway since 2018 RFK Jr also has decided that Democracy is not good (something that Anarchists, Marxists, Communists and other similar leftists like me think too). 
Im kinda tired of hearing "constitution this" and "constitution that" on this sub. Like bro, who cares about what the US constituion says.

The US constitution only applies to 4% of the world's population. The US constition is not the bible of left libertarianism, anti statism, anti authoritarian or any similar pro liberty ideology

The US constitution, even if interpreted with the most libertarian bias possible, is not a  left libertarianism, anti statism, anti authoritarian or any similar pro liberty ideology sort of document. It might have some  left libertarianism, anti statism, anti authoritarian or any similar pro liberty ideology ideas like free speech and such, but it also has some very ideas that are not like that, such as taxes, draft, slavery (originally), and just the general idea that we can turn into North Korea tomorrow if 75% of the state legislatures vote on it. (of course seeing how RFK Jr feels about Asians, if the US ever turned into North Korea, RFK Jr would have to be placed in a nut house indefinitely)

He has battled against corporate greed which is good but his free market solutions to climate change will wrongly allow corporations to profit off of further greenwashing so that is bad.

I am glad RFK Jr is against government corruption and that he wants to protect our children but too bad he can't outsource that to better people than him to do so

There are better related people than RFK Jr to protect our livelihoods (Vivek if Vivek moves leftward on Affirmative Action, Joe Biden, heck even right wing dude Ron Desantis is better for that than freakin RFK Jr)
,to protect our environment (Joseph Kennedy III, Marianne Williamson, Maria Shriver), and above all, to protect our freedom (Dr Cornel West, Marianne Williamson)

With integrity, courage, and self-sacrifice, he has led Americans in an ennobling fight to restore our country as an exemplary nation (that is bad because I am against American exceptionalism)
, and to end the toxic polarization that divides us and enriches the elites (well that is a noble goal I agree with but, seeing his last few months of actions I think I know what he really means)

His character and unique history fighting crooked bureaucracies make RFK, Jr. the only person who can bridge the divide and fix our country. (Well I support RFK Jr taking down crooked bureaucrats but hopefully someone takes him down after he plays his part in doing so)

Let him know you want to see his leadership in the White House to reunite America (well we have to reunite the US to create a worker's revolution as Karl Marx says but not the way RFK Jr wants since he is a neoliberal bourgeois crackpot) :

Per Ben Norton:

While falsely marketing himself as "anti-establishment", RFK Jr pledges "unconditional support" for Israel which given his remarks on Jews in July 2023 just feels awkward, allying with fringe right pro-war fanatics

Along with his dangerous anti-vax nonsense, RFK Jr is helping the US war machine demonize Iran (and China). So if RFK Jr aligned his views with Ben Norton he would be a halfway above average candidate or more but as it is NO.

RFK Jr is a good candidate for far leftists who want to undermine Joe Biden and the Democrat establishment and status quo and for right wingers he is a 'good Democrat', so those are RFK Jr's bases.

If RFK Jr really was not anti vaxx, I think he would be a good alternative to Joe Biden since Joe Biden's approval ratings amongst Democrats, the US in general and in the MSM is low as dirt. A scientism version of RFK Jr would still have many many flaws but still less flaws than Biden. But I live in reality and in reality RFK Jr is a anti scientific method cook and not worth a vote.  If RFK Jr rejects the Scientific method it means he doesn't have good enough judgement skills to be President on any issue, including climate change.

I agree with this article here

Some leftists have some more realistic, less bigoted and less conspiratorial takes than RFK Jr does as can be seen here, but of course its all just conjecture by them and does nothing to alleviate fears the left is no different than the right in terms of conspiracies and the like. 
